Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Monday 10 December 2012

Attack that Sweet Tooth

Sweet Sugar look out!!!!

Since the introduction of High Fructose Corn Syrup in 1970 the caloric intake of the average American woman has jumped from 1,652 - 2,028 calories per day.  That equals 25 pounds more sugar annually for women.....WOW!!!!!

And guess what, eating too much sugar makes you want to eat more and it can become addictive!!! Studies liken the sugar addiction to that of heroin or cocaine.

Read your labels and watch out for hidden sugars!!!  They are every where.  Especially hidden in drinks.  Artificial sweetened drinks aren't much better.  They tease your stomach into thinking that calories are on the way.  When none show up your body sends you looking for calories and you end up munching your way to unhealthy foods.


Here are some tips to help you do just that.

When craving sweets pick up a piece of fruit (added fiber and natural sugar help)
Extra sweet cravings - try dried fruit (limit to 1/4 cup) or Fruit Juice (limit to 1 cup/day)
Think 100 -  a treat with only 100- 150 calories and less than 16 grams sugar
Indulge right after a meal - helps to stabilize the blood sugar
Cut out overt sugars - what are you drinking?  Try sparkling waters with a squeeze of lime, coffee with just cream, tea with BuckWheat honey.

Just like any other "addiction" the first 5 days expect to be a little cranky and jittery.  Once you kick the sugar habit after a week you will find that what you once enjoyed is now too sweet.

Thanks Women's Health for a great Article.  Check out the full article!!!
Curb your Sweet tooth

Friday 30 November 2012

10 minute office workout at your desk

Perform all six exercises for 30 secs.  Do at a moderate pace so you don't get too sweaty - just be active.

Skip (pretend you have a rope)

Desk Push up

Knee Lifts

Chair Squats

Desk Mountain climbers

Desk tricep dips

Preferably use a chair with no casters or your desk.

Add a little stretching!!!!

The 10 minute Holiday Workout before the Party

All you have is 10 minutes.  Give this your routine your all.  Turn on the holiday tunes.  Perform all six exercises  for 30 secs, repeat for 3 circuits.  Pick the intensity of the move that is right for you.

Jump Jacks - half jack , full jack , squat jacks, rock star jump

Push ups - from knees or toes (use that core)

Leg lifts - lift knee to chest with hands over head, run on spot with high knees

Reverse lunge & Bicep curls - add weights, step back off a step

Mountain Climber - step feet forward alternating or power drive knees forward (keep head up)

Plank - knees or toes, one arm or one leg off

Now go take a shower and remember those Holiday Party tips!!!

10 top tips for surviving the Holiday Parites

Stay Hydrated
- Drink lots of water and tea
Never go Hungary to a Holiday Party
- eat an apple before, drink a glass of almond milk with 2 Tbsp's Chia seeds
Sip sparkling water (add fresh cranberries or orange)
- alternate with a glass of wine or the egg nog if you must partake
Portion size
- stick to the small luncheon plate when you hit the buffet table
Take it slow
-sit down to eat and chew slowly (it takes 20 mins for your brain to catch up to your stomach)
Go colour
- fill your plate with the rainbow (salad & veggies) then if you must, go back for a small portion of your favourites
Avoid the sauces
-especially the creamy ones
Dress for success
-wear comfortable but a tight fitting outfit (not the time for your stretchy pants)
Eat Protein
- balance your carbs with a good portion of protein, chow on a few almonds and walnuts
Chew Gum
- it keeps your mouth busy when all else fails
Bonus tip - Get moving
-even a walk before or after a feast can make a big difference!!!!

Tuesday 25 September 2012


Are you looking to drop a few pounds??

Which Diets are the best for overall weight loss and are the easiest to stick to??

A recent study from the US News Best Diets (2012) report by 22 health experts ranked the 25 most popular diets.

Here are the results for best overall diets
(that is weight loss and likelihood of sticking to it)

DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)

TLC Diet (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes)
Both of these diets are based on the Canada Food Guide

Tie for third place goes to

Mayo Clinic Diet

Mediterranean Diet

Weight Watchers
All of these are good diets to follow
- pick the one that works for you and that is easyiest  to follow

The worst diets are
Raw Food Diet
Dukan Diet
Paleo Diet
so steer clear of these!!

Check out the Nourish, Move Thrive website for all the details

DASH diet

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Okay I found this on Facebook - Calories you have been caught and we know how to conquer you!!!!

Nourish, Move, Thrive Website (Alberta Milk) just posted this:

"Exercising burns calories but perhaps not as many as you think. Eating calorie-dense foods that offer little nutritional value in a short period of time is easy to do.  It takes only a couple of minutes to eat a glazed donut containing about 268 calories; it takes 30 minutes of jogging at 8 km per hour to burn off those calories."

Working out is essential to strong bones, muscle and heart health but to ultimately see all your hard work at the gym you need to fuel the body properly.  Here is the Alberta Milk link with a great read on how much effort it really takes to burn off those 10 potato chips.  We need to be aware of the mindless calories we sometimes think we are entitled to because we just worked out.  They also have some great tips for pre and post work out foods.

Nourish, Move, Thrive - Alberta Milk

Thursday 30 August 2012

Strollersize at West Edmonton Christian Assembly Gym is back!!!!

Join me this winter for 11 weeks
Wed 10:15 am  January 9 and Fri January 11 until Friday March 22 (no class March 1)

Price is $7 a class ($8 drop in) or $77 for the session payable on the first class by Cheque or cash.
Join me twice a week and pay only $5 a class or $110 for the session

Strollersize Moms bring your baby (even extra kids welcome to play in the 1/2 gym)

See you for some fun sweating together this fall!!!!

Bootcamp at West Edmonton Christian Assembly Gym is back!!!!

This class is for everyone - options 1, 2, 3 provided....customize to your own workout!!

Join me this fall for 11 weeks
Wed 9:15 am  January 9 and Fri Jan until Fri Mar 22 ( no class Mar 1)

Wed evening class also available at 6:45 - 7:45 pm

Price is $7 a class ($8 drop in) or $77 for the session payable on the first class by Cheque or cash.
Join me twice a week and pay only $5 a class or $110 for the session

Strollersize Moms you are most welcome to join the class!!

Extra kids and strollers can be at the side or playing in the half gym.

See you for some fun sweating together this fall!!!!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Five Truths About Diet and Exercise

  1. No one can out work a bad diet!
  2. Exercise can make your body function, feel,and look better - Nutrition creates weight loss!
  3. Doing sit ups will not get you 6 pack abs - 6 pack abs are made in the kitchen - spend your extra work out time cooking healthy not crunching
  4. Results come from quality of exercise, not quantity.  Work hard, rest, repeat!
  5. If you only work small muscles, you get small results - total body workouts rock!

Thanks to fitness trainer Brett Klika for the insight

Thursday 14 June 2012

6 Nutrients for faster weight loss

Here is a great recap to focus on for key nutrients to fuel your body.  Thank you Women's Health for this excerpt from the Vitamin D Diet.  Here is my synopsis.

Calcium - (dairy) the more calcium a fat cell has the more fat it will release to burn
Protein - (lean) keeps hunger in check and our bodies proportioned
Omega 3 Fatty Acids - (Salmon, nuts) switches on enzymes to trigger fat burning in the cells
MUFA's - (olive oil, avocados, peanut butter, dark chocolate) they zero in on Belly Fat
Conjugated Linoleic Acid - (dairy) CLA's help blood glucose to be burned as energy&not store as fat
Check out the full article in Women's Health Magazine

Monday 11 June 2012

10 great ways to get a flat stomach

Thank you Women's Health for throwing out all the diet craziness and just getting down to the basics.  Here are the top 10 ways Women's Health says to flatten your abs.

1: Eat when your hungry - 5 small meals or 3 bigger meals....it is the calories in that count
2: Eat FAT - the healthy kind (MUFA's - avocados, nuts, olive oil)
3: Eat don't count Calories - don't stress on counting calories just load up on lean protein, healthy fruits,veggies & complex carbs
4: Eat CARBS!! - yes the healthy complex whole grains not the donuts!
5: Eat WHEY Protein - this helps us lose fat and build lean muscle tissue
6: Pump some Iron - the best way to build a lean machine is to strength train 2-3 times /week
7: Drink some milk & Eat some cheese - the calcium and Vitamin D helps you to build muscle & burn fat
8: Limit sugar and artificial sweetners intake - it's time to break the sugar addiction
9: Stay away from the weight loss supplements - most of these are unproven and just want your money
10: Eat healthy after a big work out - try lean protein and complex carbs

Check out the link for the full article
flatten your stomach

Tuesday 5 June 2012

101 greatest running tips

Check out this link to Women's Health if you are a runner.  Here are some fantastic tips from various experts!
101 greatest running tips

Thursday 10 May 2012

Love It - Quick glance on eating healthy!!

Here is a great recap found of healthy eating habits

Not sure of the source off the internet so let me know if you find it

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Here is a great link talking about why diets don't work and why a healthy lifestyle is better.

Nourish, Move, Thrive

Tuesday 1 May 2012

How to do a proper Squat

How to do a proper squat
Squats work the quads, hamstrings, and gluts all at the same time
Stand feet shoulder width apart with shoulders stacked over hips weight in your heels
bend your knees and lower as if you were going to sit in a chair
keep knees over your ankles and behind your toes
Ouch to your knees if they go past your toes
lower to 90 degrees and then stand up
practice with a real chair to master the move but do not sit in the chair
also you can try a wall squat to master the motion of going down and back
lower to 90 degrees on the wall with your toes out past your knees
Thanks to MedicineNet for this link

How to do the proper Lunge

Lunges work all major muscles of the lower body
Take a big step forward front knee is behind the front toe
Bend front knee to aprox 90 degrees
Keep weight on the back toe and drop your back knee almost to the floor
Back knee should be under the hips which are under the shoulders
Roll shoulders so weight is shifted back and your abs are engaged

This is one of the most improperly performed exercise.  Do it right so you do not hurt your knees

Thanks MedicineNet for the link the proper lunge

Monday 30 April 2012

Hormones That make you thin

Just finished reading Jackie Warner's book - This is Why you're FAT

Here is a recap to help you understand the role your hormones play:
Hormones that make you thin
HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE (Fountain of youth)
HGH forces your body to draw fat from your fat reserves first
HGH helps you grow more muscle cells, have more energy, more sex drive and great skin & Hair
HGH decrease as we age but Diet & Strength Training can boost it
Cut Back on carbs at night
Get a good night sleep (deep sleep produces HGH)
Dont' drink caffeine past 3:00 in the day
Eat Casein rich foods like cottage cheese & Lean proteins

TESTOSTERONE (Muscle Builder)
Made in our Ovaries and adrenal glands
Boosts energy, sex drive, strengthens bones, lifts depression
Eat beta-carotene rich foods, boron containing foods (fruit, prunes, nuts legumes)
Watch your fat intake, choose mono saturated & polyunsaturated fats in nuts and fish
More than 2 cups coffee or 4 cans soda a day can drop your  levels

PROGESTERONE (Slim and Trim)
Low levels can lead to Insomnia, weight gain, high sugar food cravings
Eat lots of B6 vitamin - bananas, avocados, spinach, tomatoes, almonds, eggs, seeds, beans

Hormones that make you FAT

INSULIN (Spikes make you fat)
Insulin rises and falls according to what you eat, especially carbs, too much insulin and your body will store fat
Your goal is an even flow of insulin with out the sugar spikes
Eat 3 small meals and 2 snacks daily,  add fibre, chia seeds, oatmeal, exercise to drive insulin down

ESTROGEN (balance it to be thin)
Too much slows the metabolism and thyroid, leads to weight gain and cellulite, and fluid retention
Can cause Estrogen Dominance
Processed foods and refined sugar, alcohol and too much caffeine, some plastic containers, some dairy products that feed their animal Estrogen compounds
To get the slim down
Eliminate sugar and highly processed foods, choose organic meats, decrease your stress

CORTISOL (create stress fat)
Too high levels the body stores fat that reside around the belly
Eat casein rich cottage cheese, green leafy veggies, whole grain breads, mushrooms and berries

LEPTIN (the appetite tamer)
Appetite suppressant, stops testosterone from dropping, boosts metabolism
Avoid MSG, get at least 8 hours sleep nightly (Leptin made while you sleep)
Eat slowly (10 -20 chews) as it takes 20 mins for Leptin to kick in, eat fish and get 9 mg of Zinc

Jackie has a great diet plan in the back of her book to follow if you want to balance out your hormones 

Saturday 28 April 2012

Six All Star Nuts

Per 1 ounce serving

Almonds (160 Calories 14 g fat)
High in protein, calcium, iron, vitamin E and Monounsaturated Fat

Walnuts (190 Calories, 18 g fat)
High in polyunsaturated fats and Omega 3's, can help prevent type 2 Diabetes

Pistachios (160 calories 13 g fat)
Highes level of LDL lowering plant sterols, high in potassium and monounsaturated Fat

Peanuts (170 Calories 14 g fat)
Actually legumes not nuts, high in protein, and great for keeping cholesterol in check

Hazelnuts (180 Calories 17 g fat)
High in folate

Pecans (200 Calories 20 g fat)
Great for fighting high cholesterol

Studies have shown that people who snack on a few nuts through out the day actual eat less calories at meal times.

Readily portable just mix a few together and pack with you where ever you go.  Super healthy and appetite curbing!!!!!

Thanks again to Women's Health for the article  Healthy Nuts

Thursday 26 April 2012

The Sugar Trap

I love this first line in an article from Women's Health :
Alcohol comes with a warning label. Cigarettes are highly taxed. Saturated and trans-saturated fats require special labeling. But we shotgun sugar like its our job.

World wide sugar consumption has tripled in the past 50 years.  SO if you have a relatively healthy 2,000 a day calories diet you are still probably consuming 10 teaspoons of added sugar per day - yikes that is 156 pounds of sugar per year!!!!

Check your packaged food labels - watch out for the words fructose, cane sugar, fruit juice, simple syrup, sucrose and many more.  You find sugar lurking everywhere like condiments (ketchup, mustard), low fat salad dressing, tomato sauce, bread, crackers, cereal, flavoured yogurt and many more.  
Here's a few ideas to beat the addiction:

Read your labels...
       quick rule of thumb - if it has more than 5 g of sugar per serving think twice about buying it!!
Don't sip your sugar - this can help you zap 500 calories a day from your diet).
Think au naturel - curb your sugar cravings with fruit!!
Exercise to combat the cravings.
Use healthy sweeteners in place of sugar like real maple syrup, honey and perhaps Truvia.

When you eat a lot of sugar at once you actual crave more food and end up with no nutritional value for the calories consumed.  Your body stores this excess sugar as FAT.

Sugar is toxic  - just like caffeine, alcohol, and heroin - it is addictive!!!  So let's not gloss it over.....watch out for hidden sugars.  Click here to see the full article  Is Sugar Sneaking into your Healthy Foods?

Wednesday 25 April 2012

What runners should you wear?

First determine what type of feet you have.  Here is a quick test you can do at home to know your foot type.

High Arch: You may underpronate (land on the outside of your feet), which can cause too much shock to travel up your legs. Look for a neutral or cushioned shoe.

Normal Arch: You probably have few foot or pronation problems. A neutral shoe is your best bet.

Flat Arch: You likely overpronate (your feet turn inward too much). Try neutral or stability shoes.

Now go to a knowledgeable store clerk and tell them your foot type and they can help you select the best runner.

Thanks to Women's Health   Check out the article Top Sneakers
Stop the transfats, sugar and artificial sweeteners in your coffee!!!!!  Stop that synthetic coconut or hazelnut flavour and go natural!
These creamers reek havoc on the weight loss regiment.  Here is a link for a healthy alternative so you can make your own coffee creamer O'Naturelle!  Enjoy  homemade coffee creamers

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Just SPRINKLE these Powerful Super Foods!!


Cheese like flakes you can pick up at the super market.  They are high in protein, Vitamin B and help boost energy, fight stress and even lessen your risk of chronic diseases.

Just SPRINKLE on you r popcorn, salad, pasta, potatoes or scrambled eggs - EASY!!


These seeds taste Nutty and are packed with fiber,bone building calcium, iron and omega 3's.  They are great to help balance out your blood sugars.

Another to SPRINKLE on your cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, salad or stir fry. I get mine at Costco!


This is one sweet and crunchy veggie.  Rich in Inulin (a belly flattening fiber that is a prebiotic), vitamin C and even can help fight wrinkles.

Just peel and grate to SPRINKLE on your salads, stir fry, tacos, salsas.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Perfect FIT for the Girls!!!!

Here is a great link from Women's Health Magazine to figure out the right Bra Size.  We need to support the girls properly, especially when we are working out!!!  Check it out by clicking here. measure yourself

Monday 26 March 2012

The ten worst and best foods you can eat!!

Worst Foods

Soda Pop - the average 12 oz can has 10 - 12 teaspoons of sugar - bring on the obesity, tooth decay and diabetes!

CHIPS - one ounce of potato chips has 152 calories and 10 grams of fat.  If you eat 3 ounces a week in one year you will have ingested 23,400 calories and added about 7 pounds to your waist line.  Try rice cakes, baked chips, roasted edamame beans and popcorn for an alternative.
Trans FATS - hydrogenated oils are the ones that clog arteries, raise the LDL and Lower the HDL Cholesterol.  They are found in baked goods, packaged goods, margarine's, restaurant foods, etc - read your labels!!!!!

Bacon and other "mystery" meats (salami, hot dogs) - full of nitrates (cancer causing), fats and sodium - look for the natural selection meats line now available.

Dough Nuts - this has it all - refined flour, sugar, and oil - the quickest way to upset your blood sugar level and set you into a dangerous cycle of wanting more junk food

French Fries - full of saturated fat, hydrogenated oil and salt.  Anything that is fried at high temperatures can form acrylamide - a cancer causing agent.

StarBucks on Steriods (or 2nd cup, or stone cold creamery etc) - too much sugar, fat, whip cream and calories - about 580 in a 20 oz drink - yikes!!  Stick to the skinny versions with no whip.

Haagen-Dazs Ice cream - 1/2 cup gives you half your days saturated fat intake, 1/3 of your cholesterol, and about 300 calories - and that's if you can stop at 1/2 cup!

Pillsbury Rolls - Pillsbury Grands Cinnamon Rolls with icing has 310 calories and 32 grams saturated fat plus 2 1/2 grams trans fat and 5 teaspoons of sugar - enough said!

Campbell's chicken noodle soup - This condensed canned soup has 760 mg of sodium per serving - try their Healthy Request line with much lower sodium!!

Best Foods

Sweet Potatoes - packed with Carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and Fiber

Mangoes - high in vitamin C and A, potassium, and 3 grams of Fiber

Unsweetened Greek yogurt - Twice the protein of regular yogurt (about 17 grams in 6 ounces), really creamy, can substitute for sour cream, just enough tartness to off set sweet berries.  If you must add honey to sweeten.

Broccoli - High in Vitamin C, Carotenoids, and folic acid

Wild Salmon - high in Omega 3 fatty acids

Crisp breads - (very swedish) whole grain rye crackers like Wasa and Ryvita - loaded with fiber and fat free

Garbanzo Beans - all beans are good loaded with protein, fiber iron, potassium, and zinc.  But these especially because they are so versatile - rinse and drain - throw in soups, salads, mix with rice or puree them to make humus for your veggie dip!!

Berrries - Acai, raspberries, strawberries and Pomegranates - high in Vitamin C, Fiber, antioxidants

Seeds & Nuts - all are high in healthy fat, fiber and minerals - especially almonds (high in Vitamin E, magnesium, and protein), pumpkin seeds (anti-inflammatory and phytosterol to lower cholesterol

The Whole Egg - a complete protein for the brain, nerves and hormone balance, rich in omega 3

Oh Yeah and Good Clean water - and lots of it!!!!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Just Skip it and Melt it!!

One of the best cardio fat burners is to SKIP! You can torch 100 calories in  just 8 minutes.

skip for 20 mins with cardio interval sessions or use it to max out your cardio for 30 seconds between strength sets.

Oh yeah and using a rope is way tougher then faking it....here is how to max out your form for best results.

Square off - hold elbows at side, bent 90 degrees and arms slightly forward, palms up and rotate from your wrists not your whole arms

Stand Tall - hold head high, lift chest and lower your shoulders.  Look ahead of you not at your feet

Cue your Core - Engage your abs the whole time to support your lower back and tone the tummy

Stick the landing - Jump on balls of your feet, bring toes about one inch off the floor, try for a quiet landing with soft knees

Make sure you wear and good sports bra (see previous post) and try cross trainers for shoes.


Stand on center pull up on the ends, handles should hit at the arm pits, tie a knot at each end if too long

Beaded ropes - make a sound when they hit the floor and can help with timing for the newbies

Leather ropes - good for endurance as they are heavier

Ball Bearing ropes - good for tricks and the sleek rubber rope increases speed

See Women's Health March 2012  magazine page 72 for more details.