Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Just Skip it and Melt it!!

One of the best cardio fat burners is to SKIP! You can torch 100 calories in  just 8 minutes.

skip for 20 mins with cardio interval sessions or use it to max out your cardio for 30 seconds between strength sets.

Oh yeah and using a rope is way tougher then faking it....here is how to max out your form for best results.

Square off - hold elbows at side, bent 90 degrees and arms slightly forward, palms up and rotate from your wrists not your whole arms

Stand Tall - hold head high, lift chest and lower your shoulders.  Look ahead of you not at your feet

Cue your Core - Engage your abs the whole time to support your lower back and tone the tummy

Stick the landing - Jump on balls of your feet, bring toes about one inch off the floor, try for a quiet landing with soft knees

Make sure you wear and good sports bra (see previous post) and try cross trainers for shoes.


Stand on center pull up on the ends, handles should hit at the arm pits, tie a knot at each end if too long

Beaded ropes - make a sound when they hit the floor and can help with timing for the newbies

Leather ropes - good for endurance as they are heavier

Ball Bearing ropes - good for tricks and the sleek rubber rope increases speed

See Women's Health March 2012  magazine page 72 for more details.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Saturated Fat

Here is a great link talking about new guidelines on Saturated fat and the concerns on refined carbohydrates and sugar.

Alberta Milk Nourish, Move, Thrive

Tuesday 21 February 2012

the best and the worst of Sweetners


Aspartame - associated with increasing blood sugar levels and linked to some cancers
Agave - very high in fructose, can lead to insulin resistance, liver and heart problems
Sucralose - Splenda - processed with chlorine, passes through our bodies and ends up in waste water treatment plants where it is hard to break down and can then cause environmental damage
Sugar - 50% glucose (blood spiker) and 50% fructose (liver damage), problem is too much, 100 years ago we ate 1 Tbsp a day now it is up to 7 Tbsps
High Fructose Corn Syrup - arrived on the scene 30 years ago and is added to almost everything processed, it is stored as fat in the liver


Stevia - Truvia - technically a herb, contains zero calories, doesn't work for baking, very safe
Sugar Alcohols - xylitol, sorbitol, erythritol - conatians some calories, too much can give you GI distress
Raw local honey - contains cancer defending antioxidants, low glycemic index
Blackstrap Molasses - rich in iron, potassiumand calcium, by product of sugar cane
Real Maple Syrup - lower in calories and more minerals than honey, natural anti - inflammatory and antioxidant

See this link for the sugary details!!! Women's Health

Saturday 18 February 2012

Maximize your workout AFTER your workout!

Get maximum benefit from your work out....AFTER you work out....here's how!!!

Get your ZZZZZZ'S
7-9 hours of sleep is a must if you want to reset your hormones to help you burn more fat and decrease your food cravings

Get Moving...just a little

The day after your big work out go for a little movement - this keeps the blood flowing to nourish and flush out your worked over muscle.  A little movement also staves off that post work out muscle soreness.  Try a walk with the dog or friend, stretching or yoga class, a relaxing swim or bike ride.


Eat something healthy after that work out with in 30 mins!!

Wait too long to eat and your body inhibits muscle repair (thanks to the hormone Cortisol) and helps you to keep that unwanted belly fat....antidote - try some protein and complex carbs - like a skinny latte (you receive a bonus fat burning effect from the caffeine) or try a hard boiled egg, greek yogurt and berries, a banana, a whey protein shake (I like the Premier Protein chocolate shake sold in tetra packs in the Costco pharmacy).

Massage it all out

A good rub down/Swedish massage can boost strength recovery by 60%.  It helps to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow.  Even a 10 minute rub down you do yourself on your legs can have great benefits.

Stay Hydrated with water

The standard rule is 8 - 8 ounce classes of water a day.  Experts say you should add 16-20 ounces extra for every hour you work out.  That's water...not a sports drink or juice.  Add a little lemon, lime or orange to zest up the taste.

Thanks to Women's Health Magazine March 2012 issue  Check out the article "A hotter Body - No Sweat" for all the details

Friday 10 February 2012

Chocolates for Valentine's

Dark chocolate is my favourite go to sweet treat...and it's good for you!!!

3 big benefits of Dark Chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)

It makes your mood HAPPY!!

Contains phenylethylamine which helps release those feel good serotonin and endorphins

Helps prevent heart disease 

It contains flavonoids (antioxidants or free radical fighters) and can help lower blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol

It can protect your skin

Flavonoids in dark chocolate absorb UV light,increase blood flow to the skin and improve the skin's hydration and complexion

Be a little cautious as chocolate does pack a few calories so experts say to stick to 3 ounces of the sweet stuff every day.

Remind your sweetie to go DARK chocolate this Valentine's.

Happy Valentine's!!!!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Keeping "the girls" in check

Here is a great article on sports bars by Women's Health.

We want to keep the whole body in shape so make sure "everything" is supported!!

If you are a nursing Mom it is even more important!!!!

My top favourite tips:

Get Fitted by an expert
Buy sport performance wicking fabrics
Buy sports bars that go by cup size rather than small, medium and large
Buy bras that encapsulate each breast

Check out this link for the entire article  sports-bra-shopping