Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Sunday 30 June 2013

WALK after you eat!!!!!

Want to maintain a healthy weight and feel better?  It is simple, just go for a walk after you eat.....a 10 minute walk with in 30 minutes after you eat your biggest meal can help stabilize your blood sugar right when that meal has triggered the flow of insulin.  This can help you kick those post eating ZZZZ's and can help you better enjoy your PVR'd show, movie, book, or family game night.  The latest research says that a little walk after a meal can be key to keeping heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes at bay.  You don't have to sweat, just enjoy the company of a friend, pet, good music or the beauty of the great out doors!!
Check out this Women's Health Article if you want to see the research.
short walks
Happy Trails!!!!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

I want to find my abs...

Here are some tips to see those abdominal muscles for the beach season


Restrict salt intake (stay away from packaged foods)
Avoid Sugar (it gives us that soft layer of fat - try summer fruits instead)
Up your fibre (they are nutrient and calorie dense so you feel full - try apples, pears, spinach, Chia seeds)
Avoid the grains (they are insulin spiking carbs and help to store fat)
Eat plenty of lean protein


Try these crazy calorie burning moves
Mountain Climbers
Interval cardio

Try Concentrated all over abs
Planks  in 1- 2 minute intervals (plank 15 secs, rest 5 secs repeat 4 or 5 times)
Full Sit-up, feet planted on floor (with or with out a weight)
Hanging leg raises (think monkey bars)

See my 7 minute work out and Cross fit posts for work out routine's

Running while it is HOT!!!

As the heat turns up this summer, here are some great tips from Women's Health to stay cool.

  1. Cool Down BEFORE you work out (15-20 mins before)
  2. Drink! Stay hydrated (start drinking water an hour before hand)
  3. Replace your Electrolytes (I like coconut water)
  4. Think COOL thoughts
  5. Be Positive in your thinking
See the whole article here.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Little Steps = Big Strides

Doing a few small changes everyday can lead to a brighter future, a better life.  Try a few of these out
  1. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
  2. Tell some one you care about "I Love you" at least once a day
  3. Find Joy in your moment - laugh
  4. Do a random act of kindness and don't tell anyone
  5. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier and start your day by reading a Psalm or a Proverb from God's word
  6. Move for 5 minutes every two hours
  7. Ditch TV before bed and read for 30 minutes instead
  8. Every 2 hours take two, slow, deep, BIG breaths
  9. Even if your busy - do not hurry
  10. Believe you can!  Remove the words I can't from your vocabulary

Saturday 8 June 2013

High Intensity Circuit Training - the 7 Minute Workout

Crank the effort and you can accomplish a lot in 7 minutes.  Here is a great work out you can take anywhere.  You just need your body and perhaps an out door bench.

 Start with a brief warm up.  Perform each exercise for 30 seconds at your maximum effort and rest 10 seconds between sets.  Complete all 12 exercises.  Should take about 7 minutes.  Got more time - repeat 2-3 times.

1. Jumping jacks  - Total body
2. Wall sit -  Lower body
3. Push-up (use bench if needed)

4. Abdominal crunch - Core
5. Step-up onto chair or bench  - Total body
6. Squat  - Lower body
7. Triceps dip on chair or bench - Upper body
8. Plank - Core
9. High knees/running in place  - Total body
10. Lunge  - Lower body
11. Push-up and rotation  - Upper body
12. Side plank - Core

Thanks to Brett Klika for the great research and work out.  Click here to read the full article on this 7 minute work out.

7 minute work out

Monday 3 June 2013

Drink More Water!!! Here is why!

It can keep you regular
It can help you lose weight
It can help prevent Kidney Disease
It can make you run faster
It can put you in a better mood

Check out this link for the whole article
Drink Water