Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Saturday 23 November 2013

Can't loose weight.....top five why's

The Weather : research shows we eat more in cold weather
The fix: eat broth based soups before meals

Your Job: eating at your desk/computer
The Fix: move to a different location for lunch

Lack of ZZZ's: Getting less than 7 hours of sleep at night
The Fix: add more protein and fibre to diet, avoid simple carbs, aim for 8 hours sleep

Your Period: Estrogen cycles
The Fix:  add more dairy one week prior to your period

TV: Eating in front of it
The Fix: eat an apple, drink green tea, portion control

Check out the full article in Woman's Health

Mindful Eating

Monday 18 November 2013

The Body Force Workout

This is the class I did with you at WECA on Friday Nov 15.  Enjoy, no equipment required.  The class is a slow steady pace focused on Form.  Slow burn so you get metabolic conditioning.

Wide Pyramid Push up, knees, full                        16, 8, 4 , 8, 16
DeadBug Push                                                 2 sets 16/side

Tricep Pike Pushup                                                16 at a 2/2 count
Plank Intervals                                                hold 15, rest 5, repeat 3x's

Plank with single arm rear Delt Fly               8 reps / arms – square hips
Lift bum from an L-sit position                     (hold 30 secs)   
Bicycle crunch  
Repeat upper body circuit 3 times

LOWER BODY                                  one minute intervals
Overhead Squats
Curtsy Lunge to single Leg squat (R)
Curtsy Lunge to single leg Squat (L)
Rest 1 minute
Narrow Squat                                     Carpet Wrinkle – push feet outward fire glut/ham
Lateral Lunge (R)
Lateral Lunge (L)
Rest 1 minute
Repeat lower body circuit 3 times

LEG MATRIX x 1                              20 body weight squats
                                                            20 alternating lunges
                                                            20 Alternating Jump lunges

                                                            20 jump squat

Thursday 7 November 2013

The Physics of FAT loss

Here is a great article by Brett Klika on losing Fat why and why not!!

One needs to create dynamics in our diet and exercise program.
One needs to create a new demand on your metabolism in order to stoke the fat and weight loss fire.

Summary of the best tips
1.  Increase your protein intake.
2. Decrease your carbohydrate intake.
3. If you don’t eat carbohydrates, include quality carbohydrates before and after exercise, and before bed.  “Cycle” your carbohydrate days from “low” to “moderate” and even a “high” (the result will surprise you!) (Carb cycling/backloading)
4. If you eat low fat, get a couple of whole eggs, avocados, and nuts into your diet in place of bread, cereal, crackers, or other wheat snacks.
5. Increase the number of times you eat.  Go for 5 or more small meals.
6. If you eat frequent small meals, try going 16 hours after dinner before you eat again.  Give yourself an 8 hour “feeding window” after that. Only eat during those hours.(Intermittent fasting)
7. Eat only unprocessed food.
8. Try drinking a gallon of water per day.
9. Include a vegetable with every meal.
10. Weigh your food for 1 week.  While I’m not a huge proponent of calorie counting, if you have no idea the energy content of the food you eat, it’s difficult to change your fuel utilization situation.

1. Cut your rest time during your workouts.
2. Increase your rest time to allow for heavier lifts or higher heart rate intervals.
3. Focus on increasing the weight you lift across the board.  Know your current numbers and have a goal for higher ones.
4. Increase the number of repetitions you do per set to create more lean muscle.
5. Decrease the number of repetitions and increase the weight you do per set to create greater strength.
6. Increase your speed during cardiovascular intervals.
7. Add a long/slow cardio day to your cardiovascular program.
8. If you go to a “class” make sure you have a criteria by which you can judge improvement.  Amount of weight lifted, speed attained, etc.  Don’t get lost in the hype.
9. Try a new workout program
10. If you work out every day, cut your workout days to 5.  Work out harder, rest better.

Thanks to Brett Klika for the info.  Check out the full article

Thursday 11 July 2013

Tuesday 2 July 2013

20 Habits that make you FAT

  1. Eating Low Fat foods
  2. NOT seeking Nutrition Advice
  3. Sleeping too little or too much (5-8hrs)
  4. Eating Free Restaurant Food (White Bread, nacho chips)
  5. Drinking Soda - even DIET!
  6. Skipping Meals - especially breakfast
  7. Eating too quickly
  8. Watching too much TV
  9. Ordering the Combo meal
  10. Visiting the Buffet table
  11. Eating off larger plates
  12. Putting serving dishes on the table
  13. Choosing white bread
  14. Taking big bites
  15. Not drinking enough water
  16. Hanging out with over weight friends too much
  17. Eating too late
  18. Not using a scale
  19. Drinking fruity beverages
  20. Eating when emotional
This is a great article from Women's Health.  Check it out

Sunday 30 June 2013

WALK after you eat!!!!!

Want to maintain a healthy weight and feel better?  It is simple, just go for a walk after you eat.....a 10 minute walk with in 30 minutes after you eat your biggest meal can help stabilize your blood sugar right when that meal has triggered the flow of insulin.  This can help you kick those post eating ZZZZ's and can help you better enjoy your PVR'd show, movie, book, or family game night.  The latest research says that a little walk after a meal can be key to keeping heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes at bay.  You don't have to sweat, just enjoy the company of a friend, pet, good music or the beauty of the great out doors!!
Check out this Women's Health Article if you want to see the research.
short walks
Happy Trails!!!!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

I want to find my abs...

Here are some tips to see those abdominal muscles for the beach season


Restrict salt intake (stay away from packaged foods)
Avoid Sugar (it gives us that soft layer of fat - try summer fruits instead)
Up your fibre (they are nutrient and calorie dense so you feel full - try apples, pears, spinach, Chia seeds)
Avoid the grains (they are insulin spiking carbs and help to store fat)
Eat plenty of lean protein


Try these crazy calorie burning moves
Mountain Climbers
Interval cardio

Try Concentrated all over abs
Planks  in 1- 2 minute intervals (plank 15 secs, rest 5 secs repeat 4 or 5 times)
Full Sit-up, feet planted on floor (with or with out a weight)
Hanging leg raises (think monkey bars)

See my 7 minute work out and Cross fit posts for work out routine's

Running while it is HOT!!!

As the heat turns up this summer, here are some great tips from Women's Health to stay cool.

  1. Cool Down BEFORE you work out (15-20 mins before)
  2. Drink! Stay hydrated (start drinking water an hour before hand)
  3. Replace your Electrolytes (I like coconut water)
  4. Think COOL thoughts
  5. Be Positive in your thinking
See the whole article here.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Little Steps = Big Strides

Doing a few small changes everyday can lead to a brighter future, a better life.  Try a few of these out
  1. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
  2. Tell some one you care about "I Love you" at least once a day
  3. Find Joy in your moment - laugh
  4. Do a random act of kindness and don't tell anyone
  5. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier and start your day by reading a Psalm or a Proverb from God's word
  6. Move for 5 minutes every two hours
  7. Ditch TV before bed and read for 30 minutes instead
  8. Every 2 hours take two, slow, deep, BIG breaths
  9. Even if your busy - do not hurry
  10. Believe you can!  Remove the words I can't from your vocabulary

Saturday 8 June 2013

High Intensity Circuit Training - the 7 Minute Workout

Crank the effort and you can accomplish a lot in 7 minutes.  Here is a great work out you can take anywhere.  You just need your body and perhaps an out door bench.

 Start with a brief warm up.  Perform each exercise for 30 seconds at your maximum effort and rest 10 seconds between sets.  Complete all 12 exercises.  Should take about 7 minutes.  Got more time - repeat 2-3 times.

1. Jumping jacks  - Total body
2. Wall sit -  Lower body
3. Push-up (use bench if needed)

4. Abdominal crunch - Core
5. Step-up onto chair or bench  - Total body
6. Squat  - Lower body
7. Triceps dip on chair or bench - Upper body
8. Plank - Core
9. High knees/running in place  - Total body
10. Lunge  - Lower body
11. Push-up and rotation  - Upper body
12. Side plank - Core

Thanks to Brett Klika for the great research and work out.  Click here to read the full article on this 7 minute work out.

7 minute work out

Monday 3 June 2013

Drink More Water!!! Here is why!

It can keep you regular
It can help you lose weight
It can help prevent Kidney Disease
It can make you run faster
It can put you in a better mood

Check out this link for the whole article
Drink Water

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Do you need a Gluten Free Diet??

Gluten is a protein found in Wheat, Barley and Rye.

Eating a Gluten Free Diet is the only treatment for Celiac Disease

Only 1% of the population are in this category where they can actually damage their intestines from eating Gluten
About 6% of the population have non-celiac Gluten sensitivity and may benefit from avoiding gluten

Eating Gluten Free does not ensure a healthier diet or a weight loss diet

Thank you Alberta Milk for publishing this information

See the link below for the full article

Bottom line for eating healthfully and managing weight

Rather than going gluten free for health and weight loss, focus on healthful patterns of eating:
  1. Choose minimally-processed, nutrient-rich foods most often.
  2. Eat regular meals and snacks , if needed, throughout the day.
  3. Balance your plate at each meal (½ vegetables, ¼ whole grains, ¼ meat or alternatives with a glass of lower-fat milk).
  4. Enjoy a variety of healthful foods.
  5. Be aware of portion sizes.

Should I eat Gluten Free?  Alberta Milk

Take Any Where Summer Crossfit Work out

Here are the exercises

  1. Jump Squat
  2. Butterfly legs, full sit up
  3. Burpee
  4. Tricep Dip on Bench
  5. Hop Lunge (Plyometrics)
  6. Push Up
Do these 6 exercises with one of these work outs.  Mix and Match in under 20 minutes and you can take this anywhere!!

Total Time
Do 10 reps of each exercise, moving from one to the next without resting. Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.
EXERCISE ORDER: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Total Countdown
Complete 60 reps of the first move, 50 of the second, 40 of the third, and so on, until you've worked down to 10 reps of the last exercise.
EXERCISE ORDER: 2, 1, 6, 5, 4, 3
Total Rounds
Do 12 reps of each exercise, moving from one to the next without rest. Complete five rounds and note how long it takes you to finish. Aim to do the workout faster next time.
EXERCISE ORDER: 3, 4, 5, 2, 6, 1
Total Reps
Complete as many reps as you can of each move in one minute each, moving from one exercise to the next without stopping. Rest one minute, then repeat the entire sequence two more times. Keep track of your total rep count (e.g., if you finish 20 lunge hops, start counting pushups at 21). Try to beat your grand total next time.
EXERCISE ORDER: 5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4

Checkout this Women's Health link for the full workout 

Thursday 16 May 2013

Late Night Snack Attack!!!

Here are the key triggers for those late night munchies

The Journal, Obesity, featured an Article in April 2013, that stated the body's internal clock, the circadian system, increases hunger and cravings for sweet, starchy and salty foods in the evenings.

Sugar tolerance is impaired in the evening and that can lead to more energy storage rather than burning.

Artificial light has us staying up later and sleeping less.

Combine the two together and you have a huge recipe for potential weight gain.

"If weight loss is a goal, it's probably better to eat your larger, higher-calorie meals earlier in the day," said Shea. "Knowing how your body operates will help you make better choices. Going to bed earlier, getting enough sleep and choosing lower-calorie foods rather than higher-calorie foods in the evening can all help with weight loss."

Check out the whole article, "What triggers those late night snack cravings".

Thank you Alberta Milk for this great Web site!!!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Could this be making you tired??

  1. Dehydration - Even moderately dehydrated can cause you to be sluggish.  Try drinking a glass of water the next time your brain feel foggy!
  2. Cell Phones -  Power down your electronics way before bed.  It turns out the blue light decreases the body's production of the hormone melatonin.  If you must be on that computer try red filter light glasses to trick your brain and keep the Melatonin flowing.  (available on line for under $20).
  3. Medications - Many antidepressants and some Beta-blockers used to prevent Migraines or treat high blood pressure can sap your energy.  Check with your Doctor for alternatives.
  4. Over Training - Working out helps keep the stress hormone Cortisol in check.  How ever steady state cardio (like a 30 minute run regularly) can pouch your levels up.  That is why interval cardio training with strength training (aka my Bootcamp) keeps cortisol in check.
  5. Low Iron - This mineral moves oxygen around in the blood so if you are not getting 18 milligrams a day you start to feel sluggish.  Ask your Doctor to check your iron levels.
Check out this Women's Health article for more details

Monday 13 May 2013


Dr Mercola posted this through Hungry for Change

Here is a quick recap.  See link below for the full read

  1. Let go of grudges
  2. Treat everyone with kindness
  3. Regard your problems as challenges
  4. Express gratitude for what you have
  5. Dream big
  6. Don't sweat the small stuff
  7. Speak well of others
  8. Avoid making excuses
  9. Live in the present
  10. Wake up at the same time every morning
  11. Don't compare your self to others
  12. Surround yourself with positive people
  13. Realize that you do not need other's approval
  14. Take time to listen
  15. Nurture social relationships
  16. Meditate - pray
  17. Eat well
  18. Exercise
  19. Live Minimally
  20. Be honest
  21. Establish personal control
  22. Accept what you cannot change

hungry for change 22 happy people habits

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Boost Your Metabolism

Let's review!
I have posted in the past on many ways to Boost your Metabolism.
Women's Health just posted a great article that is a good recap.

Here are your top fifteen highlights to Burn Baby Burn!!!

  1. Eat a good Breakfast
  2. Sip Java
  3. Guzzle Cold Water
  4. Pick Protein for Lunch
  5. Brew Green Tea 
  6. Undo damage with Dairy (yogurt)
  7. Go Organic for your fruits and veggies
  8. Seek Heat (spicy)
  9. Grab some Metal (iron)
  10. Mix your cardio up with intervals
  11. Go Slow when lifting weights (no Momentum)
  12. Pop some pills (Omega 3 and Vitamin D)
  13. EAt Nemo's pals - tuna, salmon etc
  14. Skip the second mojito or class of wine
  15. Hit the sack early (8 hrs of zzzz'z)
Check out this link for the full story

Tuesday 16 April 2013


You Have no time :

Do you have time to watch your favourite TV shows....look over your schedule....time is there

You have no energy :

As soon as you start working out that excuse will disappear!!

You have no motivation :

Top reasons to exercise...which one motivates you!!!

To be Happier
To fight disease
To look better (amazing)
To slow aging
To sleep better
To burn calories at rest
To ease back pain
To increase memory
To lessen stress
To be confident
To feel good
To be able to function in daily life
To undo the day at the office
To have fewer sick days
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Pick your motivation and get moving...no more excuses!!!!

Tuesday 2 April 2013


Water works hard in our bodies:

facilitates digestion
regulates body temperature (sweat)
baths our cells to keep them functioning

You are dehydrated when you experience

Head Aches
Mood Swings
Dry Lips

How much water should you drink?

Your body weight divided in half - that is how many ounces of water you should drink in a day
for Example - 140 pounds = 70 ounces or 9 cups/day

TIP - if you are having a craving drink a glass of water before you stuff your face!!

keep your water clean - avoid the "dirty" drinks like juices, pop, sports drinks and alcohol

Flavour up your clean water with:

Lemon, lime, oranges, cucumbers
A splash of fruit juice, Caffeine free herbal tea bags, peppermint leaves
on occasion try some mineral water

EAT CLEAN - Speed Metabolism Foods

Top 10 foods to rev up your metabolism

  1. Water  - helps to hydrate and move nutrients through your body
  2. Lean Protein - less likely to be stored as fat, satisfying and keeps your body burning at a higher speed - try eggs, poultry, fish, bison
  3. Fiber - complex carbs like oatmeal, bran, flaxseed, chia seed - makes you feel full and stabilizes blood sugar
  4. Black Coffee & Green Tea - one cup in the morning Revs the bod
  5. Spices - Capsaicin found in Jalapeño and Cayenne Pepper - their thermogenic properties do the revving!
  6. Healthy Fats - Mono fats  (Olive Oil) reduce cholesterol and help control diabetes and Polyunsaturated (Omega 3 - fish & nuts) reduce triglycerides and inflammation
  7. Tomatoes - contain natural acids that flush your system and boost your metabolism
  8. Low-Fat plain yogurt - probiotics help in digestion and yogurt helps control fat storage
  9. Garlic and Onions - they act as diuretics and aid in breaking down fat
  10. Greens - so many benefits - just eat lots!!!!

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Weight training is Key to gain long and lean muscles

When you move your muscles, fat cells become smaller (process called Lipolysis).  Exercise triggers the release of testosterone which intern helps to destroy fat.

Exercise Principals

Use weights to increase muscle growth thus increasing metabolic rate

Add compound exercises to your routine to really boost your metabolism

Always train the big muscle groups (quads, hams, gluts) for best results

Layer in some HIIT cardio (High Intensity Interval Training)

Come try a workout with me to see what I mean!!!!!!  First class is FREE

Add these foods to your diet to maximize your metabolism reeving power

Water, lean protein, fiber, black coffee & green tea, spices, healthy fats, tomatoes, low fat plain yogurt, garlic & onions, GREENS

check out Tosca Reno's book "Eat Clean" for more information

EAT CLEAN - What to know about FAT

Tosca Reno puts some pretty easy to follow principals in place for her life style plan in her book Eat Clean.  The next few posts will high light some of her suggestions .

Weight loss is
10 % Genetics, 10% Training, 80% Nutrition

What you eat should be composed of
55% Complex Carbs, 18% Healthy Fats, 27 % Lean Proteins

FATS- What you should know
Eating Fat does NOT make you Fat, All animal fats are NOT Saturated, A low FAT diet is NOT good for you.

Healthy Fats you should eat

Almonds, Avocados, Cashews, Cold water Fish, Hazelnut Oil, Nut butters, Olive Oil, Pecans, Pumpkinseed Oil, Safflower Oil, Walnuts, coconut oil, lean red meat.

Fats to avoid are found in industry made fats - Trans Fats
The Food Industry likes TF because they give a longer shelf life to products = more profit for them

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Worst drinks at the super market

Yikes I know to drink water and stay away from surgery drinks but they say a picture is worth a thousand words.  Here are just a few of my favourite comparisons.  Check the link below for the full list.


Worst Chocolate Milk

Nesquik (16-ounce bottle)

400 calories
10 g fat (6 g saturated)
60 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 4 Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies

Worst Juice Impostor

Arizona Kiwi Strawberry (23.5-ounce can)

360 calories
84 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 7 bowls of Fruit Loops

Worst Soda

Sunkist (20-ounce bottle)

325 calories
88 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 17 Chewy Chips Ahoy! cookies

Worst Canned Energy Drink

Rockstar Original (16-ounce can)

280 calories
62 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 7.5 Chocolate Drizzle Rice Krispies

Worst Coffee Drink

Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino

290 calories
4.5 g fat (2.5 g saturated)
46 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 3.5 scoops of Dreyer's Double Fudge Brownie Ice Cream

Worst Iced Tea

Snapple Lemon Iced Tea (20-ounce bottle)

250 calories
58 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 6 Original Fudgsicle Bars

Thursday 14 March 2013

The Secret to making Weight Loss last

Women's Health Magazine posted this article that high lights these five tips for leaving your diet mentality behind and changing your life style for good.

  1. Make a healthy Grocery list
  2. Start drinking 8-10 cups of water a day
  3. Create a positive support system
  4. Start a food journal (on paper or digital)
  5. Find your favourite Exercise and DO IT!
  6. Portion Control (I added this one)
Simple life style changes can payoff with big results!
Check out the full article.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

WECA Classes are back!!!!

It is time to get back together and get fit!!!!

Classes start again at West Edmonton Christian Assembly Wednesday January 9 and Friday January 11

Same time!  Same Place!!  Same Price!! Same great Fun!!!

It's a new year, a new Turning Point.

Yes we can!!!   See you there!!!!