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Monday 26 March 2012

The ten worst and best foods you can eat!!

Worst Foods

Soda Pop - the average 12 oz can has 10 - 12 teaspoons of sugar - bring on the obesity, tooth decay and diabetes!

CHIPS - one ounce of potato chips has 152 calories and 10 grams of fat.  If you eat 3 ounces a week in one year you will have ingested 23,400 calories and added about 7 pounds to your waist line.  Try rice cakes, baked chips, roasted edamame beans and popcorn for an alternative.
Trans FATS - hydrogenated oils are the ones that clog arteries, raise the LDL and Lower the HDL Cholesterol.  They are found in baked goods, packaged goods, margarine's, restaurant foods, etc - read your labels!!!!!

Bacon and other "mystery" meats (salami, hot dogs) - full of nitrates (cancer causing), fats and sodium - look for the natural selection meats line now available.

Dough Nuts - this has it all - refined flour, sugar, and oil - the quickest way to upset your blood sugar level and set you into a dangerous cycle of wanting more junk food

French Fries - full of saturated fat, hydrogenated oil and salt.  Anything that is fried at high temperatures can form acrylamide - a cancer causing agent.

StarBucks on Steriods (or 2nd cup, or stone cold creamery etc) - too much sugar, fat, whip cream and calories - about 580 in a 20 oz drink - yikes!!  Stick to the skinny versions with no whip.

Haagen-Dazs Ice cream - 1/2 cup gives you half your days saturated fat intake, 1/3 of your cholesterol, and about 300 calories - and that's if you can stop at 1/2 cup!

Pillsbury Rolls - Pillsbury Grands Cinnamon Rolls with icing has 310 calories and 32 grams saturated fat plus 2 1/2 grams trans fat and 5 teaspoons of sugar - enough said!

Campbell's chicken noodle soup - This condensed canned soup has 760 mg of sodium per serving - try their Healthy Request line with much lower sodium!!

Best Foods

Sweet Potatoes - packed with Carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and Fiber

Mangoes - high in vitamin C and A, potassium, and 3 grams of Fiber

Unsweetened Greek yogurt - Twice the protein of regular yogurt (about 17 grams in 6 ounces), really creamy, can substitute for sour cream, just enough tartness to off set sweet berries.  If you must add honey to sweeten.

Broccoli - High in Vitamin C, Carotenoids, and folic acid

Wild Salmon - high in Omega 3 fatty acids

Crisp breads - (very swedish) whole grain rye crackers like Wasa and Ryvita - loaded with fiber and fat free

Garbanzo Beans - all beans are good loaded with protein, fiber iron, potassium, and zinc.  But these especially because they are so versatile - rinse and drain - throw in soups, salads, mix with rice or puree them to make humus for your veggie dip!!

Berrries - Acai, raspberries, strawberries and Pomegranates - high in Vitamin C, Fiber, antioxidants

Seeds & Nuts - all are high in healthy fat, fiber and minerals - especially almonds (high in Vitamin E, magnesium, and protein), pumpkin seeds (anti-inflammatory and phytosterol to lower cholesterol

The Whole Egg - a complete protein for the brain, nerves and hormone balance, rich in omega 3

Oh Yeah and Good Clean water - and lots of it!!!!