Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Keep Fit at Home for the holidays


Here are four of my favourite workout videos you can do at home over the holidays and keep fit until classes resume in January.  I have seen these at Costco, Walmart, London Drugs, Superstore at various times over the past 6 months.  You can also order on line.....about $15 each.

Don't like DVD's try incorporating these exercise in your day for  a quick workout plan to keep fit at home

hold a plank for 1-2 minutes

hold a wall sit for 1-2 minutes at 90 degrees

3 sets of 10 walking lunges using a weight for extra challenge  (or perhaps a baby)

3 sets of full push ups (try it on your stairs to make it a little easier)

20 minutes of cardio with intervals 3 - 4 times per week

Sunday 6 November 2011

Eat More, Lose more Weight!

Make these you dietary rules or perhaps confessions.....

I will eat it if it grows on a tree  (Tip: Eat these first at every meal)

I will eat protein with every meal and snack (Tip: Eat 3 servings of dairy a day)

I will eat (30mins) before a workout and with in 30 minutes after a workout (tip:Carbs & protein before and protein rich after)

I will become a salad savant (Tip: Eat first and go with a home made dressing with lemon and Olive or flax seed oil base)

I will always have protein for breakfast (Tip: Can't handle eggs?, dairy rich smoothies or Protein shakes as a great option)

Thanks to Women's Health Magazine for your tips


Almonds and other nuts (with skins intact)
Build muscle, reduce cravings
Dairy products (fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese)
Build strong bones, fire up weight loss
Build muscle, burn fat
Turkey and other lean meats
Build muscle, strengthen immune system
Improve satiety, prevent cravings
Enova oil (soy and canola oil)
Promotes fullness, not easily stored as fat
Peanut butter 
Boosts testosterone (a good thing even in women), builds muscle, burns fat
Fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel)
Trigger fullness, fire up fat burning
Lowers insulin, regulates blood sugar and metabolism; be sure to eat the fleshy white membranes
Green tea
Fires up fat burning
Chili peppers
Spikes metabolism
Spinach and green vegetables
Fight free radicals and improve recovery for better muscle building
Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, whole grain cereal)
Small doses prevent body from storing fat
Beans and legumes
Build muscle, help burn fat, regulate digestion
Builds muscle, burns fat

Thanks to Women's Health Magazine for the recap list!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Which candy bar is best to eat????

Best Chocolate Candy Bar

Eat This! Nestlé Crunch Bar
220 calories 
12 g fat (7 g saturated)
 24 g sugars
The Crunch bar has nearly half as much sugar as the 3 Musketeers.
Not That! 3 Musketeers
260 calories 
8 g fat (5 g saturated)
 40 g sugars
It's not the fat that does this bar in; it's the sugar. Forty grams is more than 2 Twinkies' worth - and it's nearly double the quantity you'll find in a Crunch Bar.

Best Breakable Candy Bar

Eat This! Kit Kat Bar
210 calories 
11 g fat (7 g saturated)
 22 g sugars
Spread the love. Just because there are 4 pieces in a package doesn't mean you need to eat them all yourself.

Not That! Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar
270 calories 
16 g fat (10 g saturated)
 31 g sugars
Bite-size piece might work for s'mores, but eat a whole bar as a snack and you just sacrificed half .

Here are some other great 100 calorie snacking options

Starbucks Tall Skinny Latte
Score your caffeine fix along with a hunger-crushing 10-gram shot of protein and about a third of your daily calcium needs.

Naturally prepackaged goodness you can take anywhere, with the added benefit of cramp-preventing potassium.

1/2 C Edamame (measured shelled)
Eating this protein-packed pick-me-up out of the shell will help make the snack last longer.

3 C Air-Popped Popcorn
Go ahead, nibble mindlessly as you zone out in front of Bravo. Even if you're watching trash, you won't be eating it.

Quaker Instant Oatmeal (regular flavor)
This speedy fiber- and protein-packed breakfast also makes for a warm, filling snack.

Yoplait Light Yogurt (fruit flavors)
This bone-building goodie provides 20 percent of your RDA for calcium and vitamin D.

9 Shrimp And 4 Tbsp Cocktail Sauce
The perfect appetizer--and no one at the table will know you're counting calories.

Sargento Light String Cheese Snacks
Any food you can play with is a great distraction; plus, the protein battles mid-afternoon hunger pangs.

Thanks to Women's Health Magazine for this information!!!!!!