Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Sunday 22 May 2011


Tabata training was developed by Izumi Tabata in Japan.  How a typical Tabata works is to do a cardio exercise as hard as you can for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds, repeat 8 times for 4 minutes of exercise.  You can repeat with a different set of exercises for 4 sets totalling a 20 minute work out.

The test results from Tabata research shows that you can substantially increase your fat burning potential in 20 minutes of intense exercise vs a typical 60 minute run/cardio routine.  SO Tabata training is interval training taken to the MAX!!

The key to a successful Tabata is intensity.  They can be a ton of FUN!  Remember to rest 24 - 48 hours after a good Tabata to help the body recover.

Wednesday May 25 at 6:45 pm at WECA come try a TABATA!!!  We will try this instead of the regular bootcamp.  Also come meet Beth and sign up for her 4 week BOOTCAMP in June.

Friday May 27 at 9:15 am at WECA come warm up with a little ZUMBA and then finish off with a TABATA.  Be prepared to have an awesome amount of FUN!!!!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Classes to continue at WECA in the fall

Keep posted for a fall schedule for September.

Most likely classes will stay the same!!

WED and FRIDAY morning BOOTCAMPS at 9:15 am and WED night at 6:45 pm.

STROLLERSIZE will follow at 10:15 am WED and FRIDAY.  

Plan to start Wed Sept 14 after the kids are back in school and finish Friday Nov 25 (11 weeks)

If you like ZUMBA perhaps Monday mornings at 9:15 am (TBC)

Keep Moving and have a great summer!!

Don't give up your 10 men push ups and one minute planks - you can do it!!!!

Friday 6 May 2011


Celebrate who you are!!
God created women for a reason!!
No matter where you are on your "fitness/health" journey look in the mirror and speak these words over yourself form the song "Beautiful" by Mercy Me

The days will come when you don't have the strength  
When all you hear is you're not worth anything 
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much

"You're beautiful  You're beautiful 
You are made so much more than all of this 
You're beautiful  You're beautiful 
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His 
You're beautiful"

Celebrate your Mom, your Sister, your Friend and most of all Celebrate you!
You're Beautiful

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1 Peter3 :3-4

praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,  I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 

Thursday 5 May 2011

The Math Behind Weight Loss

The Secret to Weight Loss = calories in < calories expended

To effectively loose weight you need to understand the math behind it.
1 pound fat = 3,500 Calories
Average 190 lb Male eats 3,000 Calories per day
Average 130 lb Female eats 2,000 Calories per day
Yikes that is a lot of extra calories - translates to stored FAT!

To loose one pound of fat/week you need to cut 500 calories/day from your diet
In an average 1 hour work out (brisk walk) you can burn 300 - 400 Calories
The simple equation to loose weigh = cut 500 calories + increase exercise

Your waist size should be no greater than 1/2 your height
so 5'5" = waist 32.5" (average male is 40" and Female is 37")

Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is your weight based on height & weight.
Click here to calculate  BMI

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the # Calories you need to exist.
(keep in mind that as your weight decreases you BMR decreases)
Click here to calculate BMR

DO NOT go below 1200 Calories!!
This signals your metabolism to slow down and store fat

Activity - add 300 - 500 calories for exercise 
How many calories do you burn for each activity  Activity Calorie Counter
If you are breast feeding your body needs Approx. 500 calories extra a day.

Okay now you know your start position and how many calories you should be eating per day.  Want to loose those extra pounds.....WRITE IT DOWN...FOOD JOURNALS help keep us focused and accountable....need more....enlist a friend to journey together....when you need to report what you are eating you are less likely to eat that extra cookie!  If you are techno savvy try the MyNetDiary app on your Iphone to keep the tracking simple.  Or if you prefer try the Sparks website Sparks
They have great recipes, tracking and motivation ideas.  And it's FREE.

Remember you are not alone in your journey.
Keep it simple calories in < calories out