Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Friday 30 November 2012

10 minute office workout at your desk

Perform all six exercises for 30 secs.  Do at a moderate pace so you don't get too sweaty - just be active.

Skip (pretend you have a rope)

Desk Push up

Knee Lifts

Chair Squats

Desk Mountain climbers

Desk tricep dips

Preferably use a chair with no casters or your desk.

Add a little stretching!!!!

The 10 minute Holiday Workout before the Party

All you have is 10 minutes.  Give this your routine your all.  Turn on the holiday tunes.  Perform all six exercises  for 30 secs, repeat for 3 circuits.  Pick the intensity of the move that is right for you.

Jump Jacks - half jack , full jack , squat jacks, rock star jump

Push ups - from knees or toes (use that core)

Leg lifts - lift knee to chest with hands over head, run on spot with high knees

Reverse lunge & Bicep curls - add weights, step back off a step

Mountain Climber - step feet forward alternating or power drive knees forward (keep head up)

Plank - knees or toes, one arm or one leg off

Now go take a shower and remember those Holiday Party tips!!!

10 top tips for surviving the Holiday Parites

Stay Hydrated
- Drink lots of water and tea
Never go Hungary to a Holiday Party
- eat an apple before, drink a glass of almond milk with 2 Tbsp's Chia seeds
Sip sparkling water (add fresh cranberries or orange)
- alternate with a glass of wine or the egg nog if you must partake
Portion size
- stick to the small luncheon plate when you hit the buffet table
Take it slow
-sit down to eat and chew slowly (it takes 20 mins for your brain to catch up to your stomach)
Go colour
- fill your plate with the rainbow (salad & veggies) then if you must, go back for a small portion of your favourites
Avoid the sauces
-especially the creamy ones
Dress for success
-wear comfortable but a tight fitting outfit (not the time for your stretchy pants)
Eat Protein
- balance your carbs with a good portion of protein, chow on a few almonds and walnuts
Chew Gum
- it keeps your mouth busy when all else fails
Bonus tip - Get moving
-even a walk before or after a feast can make a big difference!!!!