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Monday 10 December 2012

Attack that Sweet Tooth

Sweet Sugar look out!!!!

Since the introduction of High Fructose Corn Syrup in 1970 the caloric intake of the average American woman has jumped from 1,652 - 2,028 calories per day.  That equals 25 pounds more sugar annually for women.....WOW!!!!!

And guess what, eating too much sugar makes you want to eat more and it can become addictive!!! Studies liken the sugar addiction to that of heroin or cocaine.

Read your labels and watch out for hidden sugars!!!  They are every where.  Especially hidden in drinks.  Artificial sweetened drinks aren't much better.  They tease your stomach into thinking that calories are on the way.  When none show up your body sends you looking for calories and you end up munching your way to unhealthy foods.


Here are some tips to help you do just that.

When craving sweets pick up a piece of fruit (added fiber and natural sugar help)
Extra sweet cravings - try dried fruit (limit to 1/4 cup) or Fruit Juice (limit to 1 cup/day)
Think 100 -  a treat with only 100- 150 calories and less than 16 grams sugar
Indulge right after a meal - helps to stabilize the blood sugar
Cut out overt sugars - what are you drinking?  Try sparkling waters with a squeeze of lime, coffee with just cream, tea with BuckWheat honey.

Just like any other "addiction" the first 5 days expect to be a little cranky and jittery.  Once you kick the sugar habit after a week you will find that what you once enjoyed is now too sweet.

Thanks Women's Health for a great Article.  Check out the full article!!!
Curb your Sweet tooth