Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Friday 19 December 2014

Here is a potluck of ideas for a healthy active Christmas

  1. Remember the reason for the season - Jesus Christ
  2. Try a stretch relaxation class
  3. Schedule time to read, reflect and walk in the fresh air
  4. Volunteer to be a blessing to some one else
  5. Do 2-3 stretching exercises  every morning and before you go to bed
  6. For every $100 dollars you spend on gifts, schedule 10 minutes of working out
  7. Make a holiday work out play list
  8. Give gifts that support activity
  9. Give gifts with a nifty hand made coupon of activity - shovelling, dog walking, skating, tobogganing
  10. Break out on the Just Dance Wii
  11. Explore the great out doors - skating, walking trails, sledding
  12. Be mindful of holiday eating
  • Be honest with yourself about what you are eating
  • drink 1 glass of water for every non water beverage
  • limit treats to a specific number
  • balance your plate with protein, veggies, starch
  • no 2nd helpings

Thanks Provincial Fitness Unit for these great tips!!!

Tuesday 16 December 2014



These delicious little no bake energy bites are the perfect healthy snack!


  • 1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned oats)
  • 2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips or cacao nibs (optional)
  • 1/3 cup honey or agave nectar
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1" in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
  3. Makes about 20-25 balls.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Make a healthy life style change

A life style change redefines who you are.   Take an unhealthy habit and replace it with a better one.   Here are the top three unhealthy habits.   See which one you can change...

The Habit of Inactivity - are you being physically active consistently for a minimum of 30 minutes 3-4 times per week?

The Habit of Over eating - consuming calories in excess of your daily needs consistently

The Habit of Empty Calories - consuming high sugar and fat content foods consistently and fruits and vegetables on occasion

If you see your self in one of theses habits make a change one habit at a time.

You can change!!! If you think you can't - you are right
If you think you can ...YOU CAN!!!

Thanks Jari Love
check out her article for all the details

Monday 25 August 2014

8 foods that help with inflammation and give help with weight loss

  1. Salmon - high in Omega 3 fatty acids
  2. Flax seeds - also high in omega 3's and finer
  3. Blueberries - high in bioflavonoids and antioxidants
  4. Tumeric - it suppresses NF-kappa B - an immune regulating protein that triggers inflammation
  5. Tart Cherries - highest anti-inflammatory properties of any food - try the juice from the health food store mixed with a little sparkling water
  6. Edamane Beans - rich in iso-flavonoids and omega-3 fatty acid
  7. Green Tea - high in flavonoids
  8. Whole Grains - think oatmeal, brown rice, and barley they help to lower C - reactive protein
Thanks again to Women's health article - 8 anti inflammatory foods

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Top 10 things nutritionists agree on - me too!!!

  1. Start your day with breakfast
  2. Limit Fast Food
  3. Eat Real Food
  4. Really learn to listen to your hunger
  5. Eat more Veggies
  6. Hydrate with water
  7. Don't skip meals
  8. It's okay to snack - healthy
  9. Avoid Soda Pop
  10. It's okay not the eat perfectly - treat yourself on occasion
Women's Health Magazine

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Healthy Choices every Woman should make

  1. Strength train twice/week - it increases lean muscle mass, boosts metabolism, torches calories, eases back pain, helps you sleep, and more
  2. Drink more water - lots of it!!!!
  3. Vary up your activity - run one day, walk the dog the next, strength train, Pilates, dance etc
  4. Incorporate a rest day in your week - down time is restorative
  5. Learn proper form & don't cheat - learn how to do a proper lunge, squat etc
  6. Wear proper work out clothes and shoes
  7. Refuel your body properly after a work out - complex carbs and protein
  8. Try a new fitness class or make a new work out buddy
  9. Stretch, Stretch, Stretch - before and after
  10. Make working out a part of your life, a habit - move more (10,000 steps/day)
  11. Be Mindful of what your body is telling you - listen... I am Full, that feels good, I am tired....
  12. Love your body - it is yours!!!!
  13. Tell yourself three positive things each day about yourself in front of the mirror
  14. Be grateful, forgive others, love others
  15. Choose your friends wisely
  16. Learn to shop and cook healthy
  17. Watch Less TV
  18. Go outside regularly - hot or cold
  19. Get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly
  20. Forgive your self if you have a health slip up
Check out this link for more ideas and insight womenshealthmag fitness-habits

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Top Carbs for weight loss

Sweet Potatoes (full of fiber and water)

Quinoa or Brown Rice (eat Al Dente - little chewy  - for more fiber and blood sugar control)

Spaghetti Squash  (very filling 42 calories /cup vs 221 for most pastas) 

Watermelon  (92 % water and low calories)  


Thanks Women's Health for the update!
Best Carbs

10 things that prevent weight loss

Thank you to Jari Love for this list

  1. You chose the wrong weight loss plan
  2. You’re not sleeping  (ideal 8 hours)
  3. Not eating enough (veggies and fruits & calories)
  4. Spread it out 
  5. Skipping breakfast 
  6. Cardio only (Lift some weights)
  7. You’re not being patient 
  8. You are stressed (look out cortisol)
  9. You behave like a yo-yo (practice consistency)
  10. Eating out or emotionally  
These ten behaviors are common “saboteurs”  that prevent weight loss, but now that you know them, you can make yourself more aware, make some changes, and lose that weight.

Check out this link for the full article
10 weight loss saboteurs

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Be mindful of how you eat!!!

Yikes this list hits close to home.....I think I need to be more mindful of all of these.....
  1.  Shift out of autopilot eating and start tracking. (I am using My Fitness Pal app)
  2.  Make the healthy choice the easy choice. (easy access for the good foods, limited access for the not so good foods)
  3. Buy smaller plates. (yup size does matter)
  4. Eat when you are eating. (don't be a distracted eater, eat and do nothing else)
  5. Take 5 (breaths, that is)! (Just breath before you start eating)
  6. Commit to slowing down. (aim for 20 - 30 mins to eat...not 5 mins)
  7. Savour each bite. (tune in all your senses)
  8. Mindfully check in. (try to stop eating before you feel full)
  9. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. (be thankful)
Thank you Health Advisor at the Globe and Mail Check out the whole article

Monday 9 June 2014

Don't Drink your calories this summer

So easy not to count the calories you drink!

Don't have a good work out and then drink away the results in hidden calories

Women's Health high lights some top calories counters  - and we are not talking the obvious ones like a frappacino!    drinking calories

  1. Grape Juice
    15.2-ounce bottles= 270 calories. (16-ounce bottle of cola = 200 calories.)
  2. Chocolate Milk
    Eight ounces = 254 calories (great post recovery drink if you portion control)
  3. Orange Juice  15.2-ounce serving258 calories.
  4. Dessert Wine
    3.5-ounce serving size= 320 calories.
  5. Cranberry Juice
    15.2-ounce bottle = 260 calories. 
Try adding a splash of you favourite juice to club soda to get the flavour but not the Calories.

Try the skinny small versions of your favourite Frap for a treat once in awhile not as a daily staple.
All calories count - even liquids ones so choose wisely.

Stay cool this summer!!!

Saturday 7 June 2014

The Awesome Foam Roller

8 things not to do with a foam roller

See Women's Health for the full article - Foam Roller
Don't be too Aggressive
Don't hold your breath
Don't roll too quickly
Don't roll over bony joints
Don't roll on the lumbar spine
Don't roll for too long (30-60 seconds)
Don't think of it as a massager
Check out this link for a great work out from Women's HeathFoam roller work out

Great roll out on muscles Foam Roller Exercises

Thursday 5 June 2014

Summer Body Weight Bootcamp you can take with you any where

Okay here is the portable, customized body weight work out you can take with you this summer

Mix and match what options you like

One cardio/ One Strength/ One Abdominal - repeat for with 3 different exercises etc.

Level 1       20 seconds maximum effort/ 10 second rest
Level 2       30 seconds maximum effort/ 15 second rest
Level 3       45 seconds maximum effort/ 15 second rest

You can make a 10 minute circuit that you add to a walk or repeat your circuit two or three times depending on your time available to work out.

Cardio exercises

Speed Skaters
Jump over a line
Tuck Jumps
Jumping Jacks
Jogging with high knees
Mt Climber

Strength Exercises

Push ups
Prisoner reverse lunges (hands behind head)
Goal post arm squats
Curtsey Lunges (Cross leg behind)
Tricep dips (on a bench)
Forward Walking Lunges
Wall Sit


Side Plank
Dead Bug Push
Full sit up with entire foot on ground
Dead Bug Push
Cross over with both shoulders coming off the floor

Thursday 22 May 2014

Pick 4 lose 5 pounds

Here are some quick tips from Jari Love

Pick 4 of these tips to lose 5 pounds - simple and easy- Yes You Can!!!!

  1. Cut out Just one food - dessert after dinner, bag of chips at lunch, mid day chocolate bar....
  2. Don't eat white CARBS - white bread, pasta, donuts - try whole grains and complex carbs
  3. Drink water instead of...juice, pop, energy drink - try infused waters or sparkling water
  4. Do lunges and push ups every day - big muscles working increase calorie burn - try 3 sets of 12 of each every day 
  5. Do 30 mins of cardio every day - fast walk, bike, run - this can burn an average of 300 calories in 30 mins (one pound = 3500 calories)
  6. Cut out any kind of sugar at breakfast - no jam, jelly, kid cereal, sugar in your coffee - it sets you up for mid morning crash
Check out this link below for the full article

Monday 28 April 2014

6 Reasons You're Not Seeing Results from Your Workouts

  1. You're doing too much of the same thing.
  2. You're not challenging yourself enough.
  3. You're overeating for your calorie burn.
  4. You're overtired or overstressed. 
  5. You sit around too much when you're not at the gym.
  6. You're too hard on yourself! 
SO try this to combat: change your work out up, add intervals of intensity to your cardio even if its only for 10 second bursts, be mindful of your diet - its the big chunk of your weight loss, manage your stress - practice deep breathing a few minutes every day, keep moving all day long, be kind to your self - it is not all about the scale - celebrate the little victories.

Thanks Women's Health   check out the full article

Monday 21 April 2014

Relax & Rejuvenate

Starting this week on Tuesdays and Fridays at 11:30 am please come join me in a free stretching work out for 45 mins in the children's worship center (up stairs at WECA).  The class will run until mid June.  There is no charge...my gift to you....just come enjoy.  Wear comfortable clothing, bring a yoga matt and a towel.

Come Join me for some R&R!!!  RELAX & REJUVENATE

Friday 17 January 2014

Why breathing and stretching are so good for you

Here is what happens when you breath, focus or move....

Brain Power - Focused breathing will quiet your amygdala (aka - Emotional Network), fire up your prefrontal cortex which is your brains center for higher thinking - wow you just got smarter!

Chill Power -  Fire your parasympathetic nervous system - that means the antidote to the fight or flight stress response.

Organ Power - heart and lungs expand and contract to help lower your resting heart rate after the class is over.

Immunity Power - The vagus nervous system is fired up to alert your immune system to fight off infections.

Hormone power - Help to resist snacking by pulling back the adrenal gland production of Cortisol.

Balance & Strength Power - Even twice a week can markedly improve both these areas in your body

*Great article from womenshealthmag.com/January/February 2014

The "younger" we get the more we need to train balance and stretch.  Try adding a Pilates or Yoga or Stretch routine to your weekly exercise.  Always take a minimum of 5 minutes to stretch after a work out.