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Tuesday 21 February 2012

the best and the worst of Sweetners


Aspartame - associated with increasing blood sugar levels and linked to some cancers
Agave - very high in fructose, can lead to insulin resistance, liver and heart problems
Sucralose - Splenda - processed with chlorine, passes through our bodies and ends up in waste water treatment plants where it is hard to break down and can then cause environmental damage
Sugar - 50% glucose (blood spiker) and 50% fructose (liver damage), problem is too much, 100 years ago we ate 1 Tbsp a day now it is up to 7 Tbsps
High Fructose Corn Syrup - arrived on the scene 30 years ago and is added to almost everything processed, it is stored as fat in the liver


Stevia - Truvia - technically a herb, contains zero calories, doesn't work for baking, very safe
Sugar Alcohols - xylitol, sorbitol, erythritol - conatians some calories, too much can give you GI distress
Raw local honey - contains cancer defending antioxidants, low glycemic index
Blackstrap Molasses - rich in iron, potassiumand calcium, by product of sugar cane
Real Maple Syrup - lower in calories and more minerals than honey, natural anti - inflammatory and antioxidant

See this link for the sugary details!!! Women's Health

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this great info! I'll get down to the farmer's markets and stock up on the honey.
