Stay Hydrated
- Drink lots of water and tea
Never go Hungary to a Holiday Party
- eat an apple before, drink a glass of almond milk with 2 Tbsp's Chia seeds
Sip sparkling water (add fresh cranberries or orange)
- alternate with a glass of wine or the egg nog if you must partake
Portion size
- stick to the small luncheon plate when you hit the buffet table
Take it slow
-sit down to eat and chew slowly (it takes 20 mins for your brain to catch up to your stomach)
Go colour
- fill your plate with the rainbow (salad & veggies) then if you must, go back for a small portion of your favourites
Avoid the sauces
-especially the creamy ones
Dress for success
-wear comfortable but a tight fitting outfit (not the time for your stretchy pants)
Eat Protein
- balance your carbs with a good portion of protein, chow on a few almonds and walnuts
Chew Gum
- it keeps your mouth busy when all else fails
Bonus tip - Get moving
-even a walk before or after a feast can make a big difference!!!!