Welcome to Donna's Fitness Blog....let's discover our health together

The Purpose of this blog is to travel the journey of life and discover our optimal health together.

Call Donna Lidman (780) 231 9311 or email donnafit@me.com

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Could this be making you tired??

  1. Dehydration - Even moderately dehydrated can cause you to be sluggish.  Try drinking a glass of water the next time your brain feel foggy!
  2. Cell Phones -  Power down your electronics way before bed.  It turns out the blue light decreases the body's production of the hormone melatonin.  If you must be on that computer try red filter light glasses to trick your brain and keep the Melatonin flowing.  (available on line for under $20).
  3. Medications - Many antidepressants and some Beta-blockers used to prevent Migraines or treat high blood pressure can sap your energy.  Check with your Doctor for alternatives.
  4. Over Training - Working out helps keep the stress hormone Cortisol in check.  How ever steady state cardio (like a 30 minute run regularly) can pouch your levels up.  That is why interval cardio training with strength training (aka my Bootcamp) keeps cortisol in check.
  5. Low Iron - This mineral moves oxygen around in the blood so if you are not getting 18 milligrams a day you start to feel sluggish.  Ask your Doctor to check your iron levels.
Check out this Women's Health article for more details

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